Basic 50 ETF/FTH

Basic 50ETF/FTH is an inside lashing which is commonly used inside large and small trucks to secure the goods. The advantage of a small ratchet and lower tensioning power is that you minimize the risk of damaging the track. All components are tested and of high quality to ensure a long durability and high safety. The strap is made of high strength polyester webbing, which makes the lashings very flexible and durable.
• Standard Tension Force (STF) is 250 daN at SHF 50 daN (Standard Hand Force).
• Produced and labelled in accordance to SS-EN 12195-2.
{"SKU":"132610065^|^132610066^|^132610067","Descriptions":"Basic 50FTH 2-parted | Width: 50mm | Short part: 1,0m with flat hook 50mm for track | Long Part: 3.0m with flat hook 50mm for track | LC: 1000daN | Color: Blue^|^Basic 50FTH 2-parted | Width: 50mm | Short part: 1,0m with Flat hook 50mm for track | Long part: 9,0m with Flat hook 50mm for track | LC: 1000 daN | Color: Blue^|^Basic 50ETF 2-parted | Width: 50mm | Short part: 1,0m with lockable track fitting | Long part: 9,0m med lockable track fitting | LC: 1000 daN | Color: Blue"}
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    Basic 50ETF/FTH is an inside lashing which is commonly used inside large and small trucks to secure the goods. The advantage of a small ratchet and lower tensioning power is that you minimize the risk of damaging the track. All components are tested and of high quality to ensure a long durability and high safety. The strap is made of high strength polyester webbing, which makes the lashings very flexible and durable.
    • Standard Tension Force (STF) is 250 daN at SHF 50 daN (Standard Hand Force).
    • Produced and labelled in accordance to SS-EN 12195-2.
    {"SKU":"132610065^|^132610066^|^132610067","Descriptions":"Basic 50FTH 2-parted | Width: 50mm | Short part: 1,0m with flat hook 50mm for track | Long Part: 3.0m with flat hook 50mm for track | LC: 1000daN | Color: Blue^|^Basic 50FTH 2-parted | Width: 50mm | Short part: 1,0m with Flat hook 50mm for track | Long part: 9,0m with Flat hook 50mm for track | LC: 1000 daN | Color: Blue^|^Basic 50ETF 2-parted | Width: 50mm | Short part: 1,0m with lockable track fitting | Long part: 9,0m med lockable track fitting | LC: 1000 daN | Color: Blue"}